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Jenny Davis

    Jenny Davis

      Jenny Davis, CEP

      Certified Energy Practitioner



      Certified RCT Energy Practitioner

      Certified Master of Crystology

      Certified DreamWalker Birth Adoula

      Traditional Reiki Master

      Ordained Healer and Mystic

      Spiritual Healer & New Energy Teacher

      Sign up for Mindfulness Retreats HERE

      Sign up for  Share the Light HERE

      As an Energy Practitioner, Spiritual Healer, and New Energy Teacher, Jenny creates a space for alignment and recalibration of the body, heart, and soul for socially conscious individuals and organizations. As an Ordained Christian Healer and Mystic, Jenny remains in gratitude for her fundamental Christian upbringing, but chooses an ever greater world view and awareness that allows her to work within dimensions unseen for the health and healing. She provides the context necessary for individuals to let go of deeply implanted negative beliefs, recognize their creative power, and use it to its full potential. Her lifelong dedication to spiritual awareness and self-discovery provides the foundation for her work. She uses a combination of energy psychology, breath-work, crystology, guided imagery, meditation, sacred geometry, esoteric and shamanic healing principles.

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